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The Onaqui Mountains stand near the southeastern corner of Tooele County, separating Dugway on the western side from Rush Valley and Vernon to the east near Salt Lake City.  The designated Herd Management Area encompasses the foothills between Rush Valley and Vernon, stretching roughly 30 miles southwestward to include the Simpson Mountains. The Onaqui herd is relatively large, around 450 horses, and provides the most easily accessible and reliable viewing opportunities of any Utah herd. A large band can almost always be spotted along the historic Pony Express Road between Simpson Springs and the Old River Bed channel. Smaller bands and individuals also frequent the areas east of Simpson Springs toward Lookout Pass and north toward Dugway.  On this trip we found two herds af about 200 horses, plus some individuals at various locations along the Pony Express Trail.

Wild Mustang 6

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